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DCF Office News
Accreditation: Dippenaar Choice Fruit is proud to announce that our accomplished HACCP team has successfully passed all of our accreditations, namely BRC for the five packhouses, and SIZA and Global Gap for all of our farms. New appointments: AJ Basson, who previously was a production manager at Grand View, was appointed as our chemical and crop manager for all [...]
Our workers have all received Covid-19 vaccinations and boosters
We are proud to announce that we hosted vaccination sites & all of our workers are vaccinated. Together with the Department of Health and our local nurses, Dippenaar Choice Fruit hosted two vaccination sites for all our farms including our neighbouring farms. Our workers have also since received the nine months booster shots. We believe that getting vaccinated is a [...]
Advanced Fertilizer Technology
From 2020 to 2021 Revolute Systems scanned all the soils in the Dippenaar Choice Fruit vineyards. We did this to determine the nature and position of the different soil types in the vineyards, as while the vines in certain areas thrive and produce well, others growing just further down the same row struggle. The variation in soil types [...]
Replacing and Expanding Vineyards during 2022
We are replacing some vineyards and planting new vines. This is always done in the beginning of August, just before Spring starts. Gamcaip is replacing a block of Thompsons with Timpson™ Avontuur is replacing a big 5.5 hectares of Timco™ with Sweet Globe™. Mokala is replacing a block of Timco™ with Sweet Globe™. Bellevue has some big replacements. They [...]
Capital Projects for 2022
“When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.” This is so true of our Dippenaar attitude. Despite all negativity around the fruit world, we keep on improving our methods and systems, continue to replace old infrastructure and replanting with newer and better varieties. In total we have replanted 50 ha of vineyards. On the Bellevue Farm and Grand View [...]
Annual Winter Cold Units
Our typically cold winter weather was somewhat late this year, with the first frosts only seen during week 23. Vines require a certain number of cold or chill units to achieve successful winter dormancy which is crucial for healthy spring growth. Our cold unit counts for the winter have been satisfactory to date and have been higher than during the [...]