GPS Co-ordinates:
Hectares under production:
PUC Packing Number:

Bobby Duvenhage (Production Manager) & Paul Dippenaar (Owner)

Magda Engelbrecht (Assistant Manager), Frans Gabautlwelwe (Assistant Manager)
Gamcaip was the first farm bought by Paul Dippenaar Snr in 1982. The name Gamcaip is a Khoisan (the name of a local tribe) word meaning fountain in the stream. The fountain is clearly visible in the middle of the Orange River.
When the farm was bought there were no table grape vineyards on the farm. Over the years table grape vines were planted and today there are 42 hectares under grape production on this fully developed farm. The varieties are Prime, Thompson Seedless, Midnight Beauty®, Melody™, Ivory™, Timco™, Arra15, Arra33, Sweet Globe™ & Timpson™
The pack house at Gamcaip was entirely renovated in 2016 and equipped with the latest MARCO technology. This facility has a daily packing capacity of 10 000 cartons.